We help customers save money, improve their equipment, and increase safety

How do we do that?

By customizing the maintenance tasks based on unit characteristics, scheduling enough time to complete those tasks, and providing transparency to assure the work is being done.

Presenting eMCP - Your complete Vertical Transportation maintenance solution.

How does it work?

SURVEY – A survey of each unit is required to obtain the specific characteristics of each piece of equipment in its application

CREATE – We generate an MCP specific to every unit based on the survey results identifying all applicable components requiring maintenance

INPUT – We then provide the required maintenance procedures at appropriate intervals to be recorded when the work is completed

ACCESS – We assure only authorized technicians can input completion providing accountability for performance 

RECORDS – All recorded work can be viewed in real time and Code required records generated on demand for your inspectors

COST CONTROL – eMCP is also a tool to develop accurate bids by using the program’s calculated maintenance hours

IMPROVEMENT – Equipment, properly maintained, will be at its optimal performance; we have seen these improvements in units under eMCP maintenance 

Who benefits from using eMCP?

Mall multilevel escalator

For the first time, you get real time management of maintenance


Easily access all maintenance records anytime, without paper, and with more detail

Airport Moving Walk
escalator mechanic

Maintenance Companies

Easily track your maintenance, your costs, and personnel performance at a glance anytime


Easily track your maintenance, your costs, and personnel performance at a glance anytime


Contact an eMCP expert today