Frequently Asked Questions

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Answers to questions submitted are here. 

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Is eMCP easy to use?

YES, very user-friendly, that from all the users we have. When you sign up, as part of the setup eMCP will train users to use the program, owners to access the dedicated web portal, and administration screens. Equipment is simple-data entry on a smart device.

Will eMCP save me money?

YES. Customers using eMCP report significant savings. Cleaner equipment with fewer issues, less vandalism, fewer repairs, more accountability to resist up charges. Callbacks are reduced after only a few months of using the program in our experience.

Are techs OK with using eMCP?

After using the program, technician feedback has been awesome! eMCP provides time to properly clean and maintain equipment on schedule; pride of work and improved workmanship is the norm with technicians. Our Blog will tell the tale!

What are the advantages of eMCP to owners?

There are several advantages to using the program; most importantly, owners can view all services in real time, including incomplete scheduled work. Accountability, mistrust, poor relationships with maintenance companies are all wiped away when all parties see the same information. Increasing the life of the equipment is the single biggest savings, followed by unnecessary repairs due to lack of maintenance is reduced, and finally callback cost and downtime have been the result of using eMCP. These are real results, call for references.

Is my data secure?

YES. Data is stored in a large, secure server farm. The data is very limited, building name and address is the only identification that is sent when syncing the technicians smart device, no financial information, email, or personal information. We simply upload and download the completion data.

How can I get started with eMCP?

Contact eMCP to find out more about the program: